What if you could deliver your next piece of copy—without questioning how good you are...

And instead with the easy confidence of a seasoned pro?

It's a weird confusion of feelings...

A messy stew that every single copywriter has experienced at some point in their career.

Even though you've poured over hours of voice of customer data. Even though you've conducted and reviewed your customer interviews. Even though you've used all the pro-frameworks and formulas and you've edited, swept, and edited again.

Even though you've done all that solid legwork, you can't shake a whole bunch of icky questions and feelings like:

-"Is it really any good?" ...with anxiety dreams of client disappointment

 -Stomach pits of uncertainty ("How do I know it will work?")

-Leg-bouncing nervous anticipation ("Will they like it?")

-The flirting siren of almost-done relief ("I'm so f**ing close!! Can I please be done with this??")

And it's such a consistent stew of feelings that maybe you just assumed it was part of the job. That this was just a part of being a copywriter unless you somehow become Joanna Wiebe.

But what if it wasn't??

What if instead of all those doubts...
Instead of all that anxiety...
Instead of all those questions...

You could close that laptop with a feeling of assurance.
You could call it a night because you feel confident about what you're delivering.
You could actually look forward to presenting your copy to your client.

And you could feel that before your next deadline.

Not after you pass some magic portfolio benchmark of 187 projects that finally extinguishes the spook of imposter syndrome.

Not 10 years into your career...

But before the end of next week.

Sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it?

If you're ready to shed the doubt about the copy you deliver, it's time you brought on a copy chief.

Jess Kiernan, Conversion Copywriter
Practice Coach inside of Copyhackers Copyschool

Using a copy chief means you can call in an experienced positioning strategist and conversion copywriter to help get your work across the finish line. One to help you spot your best copy, refine your fundamentals, and root out the gaps. 

(Gaps that don't happen because you don't know what you're doing, but because you've been staring at the same 👏 damn 👏 page 👏 for hours on end.)

No one can catch all the mistakes.
That's why even the top copywriters hire a copy chief.

What's more? A copy chief is the secret growth accelerator in every developing copywriter's arsenal.

When you hire me to chief your work, you not only send off your copy all polished up, but you get to see how I edit and think. And how I apply all those principles and frameworks you're learning.

It's like triple bang for your buck:

1. You see your confidence bloom
2. You see your skills grow
3. And all your client sees is an amazing product

Schedule your next copy chiefing below: